A massage therapist changed my life

I shattered my
tibia and fibula
while skiing in

I shattered my tibia and fibula while skiing in 2006. What I was initially told would be a three-month healing process turned into an incredibly frustrating, painful and emotional journey of over two years, during which time I had a metal rod inserted into my tibia, underwent a (botched) ankle surgery, and had to learn how to walk all over again

My physical rehabilitation team included an osteopath, a physical therapist, and a massage therapist – and without a doubt, each one of those professionals played a crucial role in getting me back on my feet. But massage therapy is what most deeply impacted my well-bring and quality of life. My therapist took a holistic, big-picture approach to my healing process – and that, frankly, was pretty refreshing psychologically. I knew at that point that I wanted to help others have that same experience

my training

knowledge and

Beyond my formal training, I’ve continued to add tools to my tool belt, deepening my knowledge and qualifications to include a broad range of modalities and techniques

Deep tissue massageFasciatherapyTrigger point therapyPrenatal massageKinetic swedish massage

I truly love what I do, and I feel enormously privileged to be able to improve my clients’ lives and well-being. Read testimonials from individuals I’ve had the honour of working with.


My approach to massage therapy is based on 3 basic principles:

Personalizing treatment

Before we begin, I will take a few moments to assess your unique needs, and apply my professional expertise and knowledge to propose an optimal approach. For this reason, I will not ask you to choose a massage technique in advance

Creating space incrementally

When working on a given area of your body, I’ll begin by releasing tension in the surrounding tissue, gradually creating space and building up to the target area. I’ll often ask first-time clients to return for a second session within a few days of the first session. Why? An analogy I like to use – don’t laugh – is a dirty floor! Your particular pain point is like a dirty floor. We need to begin by sweeping the floor during the first session, in preparation for mopping during the next. But in the meantime, that floor will be walked on!

Confidence in the body

I have great confidence in the strength of your body. And that confidence comes from a deep knowledge of physiology and anatomical function. That’s why I tend to favour a strong, firm approach, while remaining mindful of your unique needs and circumstances.

Manual therapy is an effective way to release tension within the fascia and to promote comfortable movement